понедельник, 29 апреля 2013 г.

Spotlight 7,Module 9

                                   Shopping Time
1)With the help of this video children learn the vocabulary of the theme "Food".

2)A funny song about healthy food.


4) A song version of the old classic tongue twister.

5)The song "Let's go shopping"(with a dance)

Grammar Test

Lexical Test

вторник, 23 апреля 2013 г.

Spotlight-7. Module 7

7B. DVD Frenzy!
                                                               Movie Genre

Film Genre 


Music Genre

Song with the GiggleBellies

Muffin Songs

Culture Corner


The History of Football ( Soccer part 1 of 2)

The History of Football (Soccer part 2)

понедельник, 22 апреля 2013 г.

Spotlight 7. Module 8

Green Issues

1. This video is about pollution, its causes and consequences

2. Ten tongue twisters from National Geographic Kids

Five Little Monkeys - a great nursery rhyme, you are just to repeat

3. The Nature's Wonderful Poem. This is an English creative poetry assignment that's good for school

4. Michael Jackson - Earth Song 

понедельник, 8 апреля 2013 г.

Spotlight 7. Module 6

1. With the help of the video children will learn activities which relate to men. The picture and the word is a good combination for learning.

2. With the help of the video children will learn activities which relate to women. The picture and the word is a good combination for learning.

3. In this video the speaker showed the other ways how to ask and answer about hobbies. This is a good way for teens to expand their vocabulary. 

4. Funny, original warming up for children

5. A funny song about activities